Saturday, April 2, 2011

Collection of Resources for Early Childhood Educators

"The greatest genius will never be worth much if he pretends to draw exclusively from his own resources."  Johann von Goethe

Resources from my Early Childhood Studies Class

Position Statements and Influential Practices

Resources from the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
Resource from Zero to Three:  National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families.
Resource from UNC FPG Child Development Institute
Resource from the Council for Exceptional Children
Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being
Additional Resources I Use Often


  1. Patricia- I love your brightly colored blog. It's a happy and resourceful place! The resource from National PTA Document: A How-TO Guide on Father Involvement is an informative resource that I have added to my favorites. I have never seen this one before, but now that I am aware of it, I plan on passing it on to our PTA.

    Thanks, Donna

  2. Patricia, I enjoyed the resource from the National PTA on father involvement. This is one area that my partnership and many others focusing on. One new program that has been implemented by my office is the Motheread/ Fatheread program. This program is geared towards literacy in parents and understanding the true meaning behind the books that we read to children. In the past there was a Teen Parent program that included mothers and fathers. There would be joint meetings that would allow all of the teen parents to come together and share experiences, but also separate meetings that would give the teen fathers an opportunity to express their feelings and share experiences on being fathers at a young age. Male involvement and support is critical in a child's life and by encouraging men to become involved makes for a happy child and a proud father! Excellent resource! Thanks for sharing!!!!

  3. Wow! I have never visited the CSEFEL website. What a fabulous resource! How come I never knew this existed? I am continually talking to families and my teaching team about the fundamental of social and emotional development and this website offers FREE downloadable training materials. What a find! Thank you for sharing.

  4. This is an extremely supportive list of ECE sites and research, organized for ease of access. You have created a viable resource for anyone who visits your Blog!
